Monday, April 12, 2010

Complex Mag...Feature...

I didn't even know this was out there...Thanks to a friend from Barbados for that amazing facebook message this morning...letting me know that his google search for patent high tops...resulted in finding me in a feature on Complex Magazine's Blog...Wow...this made my day...even though its just a picture...

This is the link... Click Here

Such A Long Hiatus...

I know that it has been way too long...without any posts or anything but have no fear, everything I am doing is for the progression of the blog. I have been super busy in Toronto, just trying to get my life together...find my out a strategy of how Imma be Imma be rich baby rich...

Its all coming together fairly well, obviously there are some downs as well but those I can't let get to me, because I have too much things that need to be this was just to let amazing readers that I will be back in full swing soon...and thanks for being so patient...