Monday, February 15, 2010

NYC FW 2010 Womenswear - Vivienne Tam

There was nothing simplistic about this collection at all, it was most definitely unique, edgy, innovative, but yet it was still unbelievably girly, some people seldom ever achieve that, usually it ends up being mainly based on menswear but not Vivienne Tam, she just makes womenswear speak womens-wear.

The clever mix of fabrics was refreshing, yeah I know, its whats going on in the fashion world now, but not quite like Tam did it, everything looks like it would make you stare twice or three times if you were to pass it on the street. I will just say, this collection knocked it out of the park for me, amazing construction, nice colours also, everything just looks great!

This has my pick as a favorite as well...(*I love that i'm saying that more and more often now...Fashion week is now becoming what I had hoped).

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