Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feeling a bit...

Okay, as you all know, NYC Fashion Week is going on as I speak, those who know me would know that I've been looking forward to it for a while now. Well its here, and I am not really impressed as yet, still very unmotivated by what I'm seeing, so much that I've found it hard to even go through some collections in their entirety. Anyway, with all that is going on, from the death of Lee to the fall of Nina Garcia outside of the tents, this season is seeming more gloomy than uplifting, only thing that came close to making me overwhelmed in a good way was Fashion For Relief: Haiti 2010 by Naomi Campbell, that is a show I wish I was apart of in someway, looked like a whole heap of fun and for such a colossally great cause!

Alright back to whats really going on with me and the collections I'm seeing, yeah, some are good but I'm truly bored, is it that there isn't much more you can do with womenswear and menswear is now becoming the forefront of my attention by the uniqueness and innovation I witnessed just weeks ago in Paris & Milan! Furthermore, its even a bit drab and lackluster to me, I need to see more, hopefully things turn around when the bigger names show face. All we can do is hope!

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